Email : vivian at autoltech dot com
MSN : autolsale007 at hotmail dot com
Skype : autolsale007
Yahoo : autolsale007 at yahoo dot com
This official BMW Group Service tool is the latest program, diagnose, coding and complete system
BMW have the full system replace DIS GT1/SSS/OPS and OPPS.
All BMW series can be processed with the ICOM-A, B and C-modules.
-ICOM A: Vehicles with OBD capability (Connect to ISIS/SSS/ISID with LAN or WAN)
-ICOM B: For programming with MOST port (Connect to MOST in vehicle / to ICOM-A with USB system
-ICOM C: Older model series with diagnosis socket in engine compartment (OBD 2)
More information(BMW ISIS)
Optional Information
-HS Code: 8708 Parts and Accessories of the Motor Vehicles
BMW Group ISIS Next Generation Tools 3G 2008
3G Components:
-Integrated Service Information Server (I S I S)
Two servers (one backup) + ISTA
-Integrated Service Information Display (ISID)
Portable tablet device
-Integrated Communication Optical Module (ICOM)
Set of vehicle interface devices-all models
-Integrated Measurement Interface Box (IMIB)
Measurement interface device
-Integrated Service Access Point (ISAP)
For wireless connection to I S I S
Included: 2 Intel Quad Core each (times 2=16 cores) / 16GB memory / Hard disk 1.8 Terrabite
Wireless Network 802.11n 100MB
Touch screen, wireless, best quality with competitive price.